Monday, December 27, 2010


The 1st Conference in "CONCEPTS OF PRIMARY IMMUNODEFICIENCY" was held on 18th Dec 2010 at Hotel Orchid. It was a great Success. There were more than 130 delegates and it was a learning experience for all. We have sponsorship for next conference and the sponsors have assured us to make this a yearly event. We took this opportunity to felicitate Dr Zinet Currimbhoy our mentor. The Felicitation and presentation of citation was a very emotional moment for all of us. We took this opportunity to award an Oration in name of Dr Zinet Currimbhoy during our next conference.
The glimpses of the conference can be seen at & following the link "CONCEPTS IN PRIMARY IMMUNODEFICIENCY"
We need all your wishes to make this a successful event every year.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Book on Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders in India

Dear Friends
The Book on Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders in India is Now Available on Google books.
Go to Google Books>Search > Primary immunodeficiency Disorders> the Book will appear> it can be viewed completely.
Spread the Word about PID in India

Saturday, September 18, 2010

FileServe - Dashboard - Free File Hosting, Online Storage & File Upload

FileServe - Dashboard - Free File Hosting, Online Storage & File Upload

This is a link to Booklet on Primary Immunodeficiency where the booklet can be downloaded free. Please diffuse this link to create awareness about primary immunodeficiency Disorders in India. Dr Zinet Currimbhoy has been the guiding force about this booklet.


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36 yr old male presented with fever 2 days & Drop in Hb to 6.0 gm/dl with thrombocytopenia & Leucopenia. Leucopenia progressed from 3.2 to 0.9 x 10e9/L. He had clinically periungual pigmentation suggesting possibility of an underlying megaloblastic anaemia. His BMA revealed Hemophagocytosis. Gross Giant MC & Giant Metamyelocytes hypersegmented polys were seen. Occ erythroid cells showed megaloblastic features. Dengue test was -ve & MP was not detected.
Final Diagnosis: Infection associated Hemophagocytosis on backdrop of an underlying Megaloblastic Anaemia.
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Friday, September 10, 2010

Booklet on Primary Immunodeficiency

We from the Division of Immunology, Bai Jerbai wadia Hospital for children have written a small Booklet on Primary Immunodeficiency based on oue experience in Mumbai, India. Dr Zinet Currimbhoy had been the guiding force for this booklet. The Booklet can be downloaded from and following the link PID. Please feel free to diffuse this Booklet on PID among your friends so as to create awareness about PID in India